ScanForm Programs

2020 to present | MALAWI


Malawi has made significant progress towards the UNAIDS 95-95-95 goals to reach HIV/AIDS epidemic control. The HIV Testing Services (HTS) register was upgraded to ScanForm to automatically generate summary statistics, eliminate an intense reporting burden faced by health providers, and align with the WHO-recommended 3-test algorithm. In focus group discussions, 100% of providers reported that data collection is faster with ScanForm compared to the previous registers. After a successful pilot in 9 facilities, all ScanForm registers will be scaled up nationally to nearly 800 facilities.

Registers: HTS initial, HTS confirmatory, ART referral, self test, hep B, syphilis


2021 to 2024 | KENYA


Three ministry registers were upgraded to ScanForm to help researchers investigate the impact of a new SR and LLINs on malaria outcomes in children in western Kenya. The findings from this double-blinded randomized controlled cluster trial, named Advancing Evidence for the Global Implementation of Spatial Repellents (AEGIS), represent the first evaluation of SR efficacy in sub-Saharan Africa and will be assessed by WHO for inclusion in malaria control program recommendations.

Registers: ANC, OPD <5 and OPD >5


2021 to present | KENYA


In Kisumu County, ScanForm is being used to non-disruptively capture accurate data about pregnant women during every ANC visit throughout their pregnancy. This data is part of a study to compare the efficacy of having 4 ANC visits (MOH standard) vs. 8 ANC visits (WHO recommendation).

Registers: ANC


2020 to 2024 | KENYA


Attractive Targeted Sugar Bait (ATSB) is a vector-control method that kills mosquitoes to reduce malaria infections. The performance of ATSB and LLINs are being monitored at the village level in 70 facilities in Siaya County via ScanForm-based facility and CHV registers. The simplicity of ScanForm was reviewed highly by CHVs who needed a tool adaptable to the challenges of fieldwork. ScanForm data from the facility and community are used to auto-calculate PMI indicators and produce dashboards that track the spatio-temporal effects of malaria interventions.

Registers: ANC, OPD <5, OPD >5, Household, Service Delivery Log, CHV Activity Register


2020 to present | BURKINA FASO & KENYA


MalCOV (malaria-covid) is a clinical trial led by LSHTM and LSTM that studies the relationship between malaria and antimalarial drugs on COVID-19, in Burkina Faso and Kenya. ScanForm collects all study data and disaggregates participants into screening, COVID-19 and nested malaria treatment cohorts to understand if malaria infection or treatment affects the clinical course of COVID-19. The findings will inform malaria prevention programs and guidance for controlling COVID-19 in Africa.

2020 to 2022 | KENYA


Malaria in Mothers and Babies (MiMBa) generates robust safety data on a range of antimalarials to treat acute malaria during pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester. ScanForm collects vital information which contributes to the growing scientific data for pregnant women and neonates, a vulnerable group typically excluded from clinical trials. The research was featured in the Kenya national news and will inform policymakers and clinicians to facilitate access to the best malaria treatments for pregnant women.

Registers: ANC, IPD, Maternity, OPD >5, Household, Service Delivery Log, and CRFs for pregnancy outcomes and infant assessment


2020 to present | KENYA


HIV Case-Based Surveillance (CBS) and reporting for HIV/AIDS requires capturing key testing and treatment information from the patient throughout the duration of their illness. While facilities in Kenya using EMRs can capture this data electronically, 40% of PLHIV in care have only paper records due to limited infrastructure. ScanForm was successfully piloted in 66 paper-based facilities to aggregate data from multiple registers, and links with KenyaEMR patient records for deduplication. All data is stored locally and leverages the state-of-the-art in computer security.

Registers: ANC, ART, HEI, HTS, TB, Viral Load, Treatment Preparation and Individual Clinic Record


2020 to 2021 | KENYA

Tupime Kaunti

ScanForm was used in health facilities county-wide across the counties of Migori and Homa Bay, as part of a USAID-funded effort named Tupime Kaunti ("Check the County" in Swahili) to improve health data quality. Multiple facility registers were upgraded to ScanForm. MOH staff were responsible for all data entry and photo capture, receiving DHIS2-compliant statistics from ScanForm on a regular basis. After one year, 84% of CHMT officers voted for ScanForm as a superior solution for routine data collection and timely malaria surveillance.

Registers: ANC, CWC, DAR, IDSR, OPD <5 and OPD >5

Tupime Kaunti

2019-2022 | KENYA


For the first time in Kenya, influenza vaccines are being distributed to children under two years of age outside of private health facilities, and ScanForm is supporting data collection. Facility and sub-county summaries are automatically generated to show vaccine coverage and identify clients who missed their second dose. The evaluation of vaccine delivery strategies, cold chain capacity, and wastage will inform future policies for national influenza vaccination program.
Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

2019 to 2021 | KENYA & MEXICO


Wheat provides 21% of all calories for humanity, and is cultivated on more land than all other crops combined. The security of wheat depends on researchers who curate and optimize the strains that are integrated into the world’s food supply. Ensuring that varieties thrive in the face of climate change requires extensive testing with a global consortium of researchers --- the International Wheat Improvement Network. ScanForm was successfully piloted by IWIN to accurately and rapidly capture crop performance feedback from yield trials in rugged field conditions.

2019 to present | KENYA & MALAWI & TANZANIA


Current chemoprevention strategies for malaria are losing efficacy as the parasite becomes more resistant to treatment options. The aim of this two-arm multi-site clinical trial is to evaluate malaria prophylactic regimens combined with different prevention strategies in pregnant women in Africa. ScanForm collects all study data to monitor pregnancy and birth outcomes in HIV positive women. The results will provide evidence for WHO to determine clinical guidance for improving pregnancy outcomes in high parasite resistance and high malaria transmission areas.

2019 to present | KENYA


MVIP was launched in Kenya, Ghana, and Malawi in 2017 to assess the effectiveness of a malaria vaccine candidate for children. In collaboration with CDC, KEMRI, and other stakeholders, data was collected by CHVs with ScanForm during the MVIP evaluation in Kenya. ScanForm is designed with the CHV data collection experience in mind to ensure sustainable and practical community deployment. The results from the multi-country evaluations led to the approval of RTS,S - the first malaria vaccine endorsement by WHO in October 2021.

2018 to 2020 | KENYA


In Kenya, ANC data is routinely collected using the MOH 405 register and tabulated monthly into the MOH 711 summary register for reporting into DHIS2. To evaluate the impact of ScanForm on data accuracy, MOH 405 was upgraded to ScanForm in 8 facilities, and ScanForm’s auto-generated summaries were compared with those made using routine register reporting, for a two year-period. ScanForm was found to be 100% consistent with source data from MOH 405, and can improve DHIS2 concordance by 50% over manual computation methods. Malaria prevalence amongst pregnant mothers was also shown to predict prevalence in the general population, making ScanForm-based ANC registers an effective tool for near real-time passive surveillance. ATSB followed up on the success of AMAS.

Registers: ANC


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